May Demonstrations

I had an encounter with a demonstration today....meaning I turned a corner downtown and found myself facing 2000+ folks waving placards and chanting slogans in protest of the coming APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Conference) meetings at the end of the week. Riot Police looked intimidating everywhere--multiple rows of shields, shock sticks, helmets, and the whole enchilada! Self-righteous young men raging in bullhorns to stir the crowd. Police cars and even a tank moving up and down the street. Well, that was the picture.

What took place was actually quite different. I, and other pedestrians caught up in it with me, walked through the crowd without incident. "Rioters" were ever so polite in letting us through, saying "excuse me," etc. Police were visiting and joking with the crowd. Everyone seemed to be having a jolly good time. I made my way to the subway station and continued on. Ahh, just another day in Seoul! 2007




The Taxi Ride