No Room in the Inn

When traveling in Asia, it can be a challenge to find a hotel. On one occasion when I arrived in Tokyo, I found out the hotel I had reserved online did not have reservations for me--no room in the inn. I shared with them that I had no place to stay as an alternative. They graciously called other hotels on the train line. No vacancy. The young man at the desk apologized and forlornly told me they could not help.

I told them I understood and that I deeply regretted the fact that I would be taking up space in the lobby for the next two nights--I hoped that was OK, and thanked them for their efforts. He once again looked over his reservations and found an unconfirmed reservation for the suite. Since I only wanted a single, he would give me a price break and only charge me 26,000 Yen ($260) per night. I regretfully explained that my travel budget just would not allow that, and began to settle into one of the lobby chairs.

Then a miracle happened!! ;-) He found a single room. Just one left!

I settled into the chair, dropped my shoes on the floor, began rummaging through the luggage for my tooth brush and said ever so kindly that I did not want to deprive another customer a room, if it had already been reserved. I was quite comfortable in the chair--and by the way, would he watch my luggage while I tidied up in the restroom?

Well, that just would not do. I am such a loyal customer, and would I please accept a discount on the room, and as the second desk clerk began to pick up my things and move toward the elevator, the desk clerk with whom I was having the conversation remembered that I would need internet access... Ain't life good?


Wall of Homeland Security


In Search of a Cup of Coffee